Call for submissions, Issue No. 2, 2019 #pigeonradical
Theme “Animals on the Screen”
Pigeon is a new radical animal reader published by @sybilpress . We seek new experimental, creative essays and literary works for issue 2 on the subject of “animals on the screen.” We understand animal in the larger sense, from the human and non-human animal to the monarch butterfly, and we are open to speculation on cosmic life and artificial intelligence. In terms of screens: we seek a hybrid discourse surrounding #animal beings and being animal in the networked age from #television, #film, the #postinternet, holograms and virtual reality to other forms of representation and exploitation of otherness, gender, identity, and the environment, for example.
In the spirit of “no gods; no masters,” contrarian paradigms and interdisciplinary critiques are desirable.
Please e-mail a 300 word abstract as a PDF with contact information to by January 1st, 2019. Subject line: animal2 abstract.
Half of all sales of Pigeon will be donated to #animalwelfare/rights/liberation organizations, with the remaining half used to cover costs and the making of subsequent issues. #posthuman #vegan