“...it screams at you from every page of this little hand Printed book by Sybil Press. References to Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Socrates and Lucifer prettily drip from the pages. Each line evokes his philosophy that human myths, characters, archetypes, heroes and villains are all “Cannibals” that must defend their kingdom from those who would deny cannibalism...It is a perfect evening read for all of you Music lovers, Film Buffs, musicians, composers, Occultists and Artists from all branches, but I suspect you will hate and then love this book half a dozen times before you reach the end.”
Read the rest of Piazza's review here: http://vincentapiazza.tumblr.com/post/119804287873/the-book-of-cannibals-written-and-illustrated-by
Vincent Piazza is a magician, author, and occultist of the Left Hand Path. Piazza is Leader of a Luciferian Organization in New Orleans and a working member of the Temple of the Ascending Flame.
Follow Piazza @https://twitter.com/piazza_vincent